ShiaCoaa Meeting Minutes

Durand, Mi

Aug 7, 2009

Steve F, Chair opened meeting with a Moment of Silence and the Serenity Prayer.

Bill D, acting Secretary (see item under New Business) read the minutes from the June District meeting.

Motion to accept minutes as read, seconded and approved.

Joe F, Treasurer gave Treasurers Report

Joe noted that he had been having difficulty cashing items received made out to the district and not to him (checks, money orders, etc.) without our tax identification number. He has been trying to get that information from past treasurer or alt treasurer. He is holding off buying new checks for the district until he gets that info.

Bank balance as of 6/4/09 $738.14 (including PI/CPC account $276.56)



Mon. Night -Vernon $30.00

Mon. Night-Durand-$60.75

Tue. Night-Byron $50.00

Thurs. Night-Durand $65.00

Refund Shiawassee County $60.00

Meeting Directories $30.60

total received $296.35

Verizon $90.96

Owosso Argus Press $75.60

VFW (table rental) $18.00

Krogers $116.42

WalMart $25.50

Sams Club $80.58

Waughs Water $5.75

My Can $70.00

Misc. $15.43

total $498.24

Balance 8/7/09 $249.72 (PI/CPC account $276.56) bank balance $526.28

Motion to accept treasurers report as read, seconded and approved.

Old Business

It was pointed out that some time ago a recommendation was made that officers for the District submit a brief description of their job duties and responsibilities so that we could incorporate them into a handbook for succeeding officers. These will be brought to the District meeting in Oct and discussed and when finalized they will be posted on website.

New Business

The District accepted a written resignation from Janell J, Secretary. Bill D was appointed to complete term of duty ending in Dec. 2009. The District would like to thank Janell for her service and we hope that she will continue to be active in the District.

District's next workshop will be held Saturday November 7 at United Methodist Church in Corunna (pending approval for use by the Church). Ron C suggested “Self Support” as a theme and Roger C suggested that be combined with “Home group”. District will finalize planning for the workshop at October's meeting. Ron C accepted position of Chairman for this workshop and will assemble a committee to plan and organize.

After some discussion; the District moved to reimburse our District Committee Member (DCM) Rick C for travel expenses in his job as DCM. We will pay 25 cents per mile round trip from his home to Area Assemblies. Furthurmore, we elected to reimburse him $100.00 for past travel expenses. It was pointed out that his trip to represent us in Alpena was 400 miles in addition to his past expenses as our DCM. This policy will remain in effect as well for future DCM's.

Distrtict will be opening nominations for officers at October meeting. Three positions will be open. Chairperson, Alternate Chairperson (both 1 year terms) and Secretary (2 year term).

We would like to express our gratitude to the Friday Night Group for hosting this meeting. Our next District meeting will be hosted by the Perry Serenity Group in Morrice at the Senior Citizens Center, 101 Mason St on Monday, October 5 at 6:00 PM

Meeting adjourned with The Lords Prayer

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