LENNON, MI 06-02-04


Mark S. opened meeting with Serenity Prayer.


Ray H. gave treasurers report, all accepted. Ray also stated our new directories would cost the groups $8.oo per 100 to cover cost with a small profit. Chuck C. suggested we vote on whether the groups should have to pay for directories since it was group donations that paid for them in the first place. Vote is unanimous in favor of district providing printing cost with the stipulation that when groups ask for directories that in turn district ask for donation to help cover cost.


Keith C. motioned we vote for a PI/CPC committee, Chuck c. 2nd. Vote is unanimous. Ron C. nominated Debbie M. for Chairperson. Vote is unanimous. Chuck C. nominates Sue T. for Secretary. Vote is unanimous


Sue T. wanted to know if DCMs were getting out to the groups and letting them know about our district body and how they can help to support our PRIMARY PURPOSE. Bill D. suggested that a member from PI Committee accompany DCM Chuck C. robustly accepted to go along.


Question was brought up “Is answering service affective?” Consensus is that it is.




Keith C. said he would set up a computer in his home to serve as an A.A. HOTLINE. Matter was voted on and is unanimous. This will offset the answering service cost. Plus give it an intimate touch of one on one.


Ron C. suggested we combine District picnics. Idea warmly accepted.


Sue T. asked about setting up a P.I. booth at the county fair. Bill D. mentioned that it wasn’t against tradition but it was really stepping out there ‘publically’. It was suggested health fairs and such would be more appropriate.


Chuck C. suggested we put out a DISTRICT NEWSLETTER every 2 months that would go out to every group in the district whether they have contributed on the district level or not. It will be a tool to help bridge our communication gap and hopefully bring all our groups together. Sue T. motioned to vote on it, Carlene Z. 2nd. Vote is unanimously in favor of.


Bill D. brought us good news. In his spare time (considering his age and that he’s retired, it’s all “SPARE” time) has set up a District 10 website. As of now you can access it at pws.chartermi.net/~willbdone/default.html


We would like to congratulate you, Bill, on the completion of this task, to thank you for all your effort. (access title will be shortened in the near future.)


Thuirsday Night Group in Durand will host our nexy District 10 meeting on Aug 5th at 6:30 PM. Location is:

                                                Congregational Church

                                                403 N Saginaw St, Durand


Dallas B. motioned to close. Vote unanimous.




Mark S., Debbie M., Sue T., Ty, Dave E., Charlene Z., Keith C., Bill D., Dick J., Ray H., Ron C., Dallas B., Bob H., Kurt P., Bill M., Bill W.


                                                In Service for the District


                                                Chuck C., Sec.




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