If you are struggling with a desire for a drink or are experiencing emotions that you believe may lead to a drink, CALL SOMEONE. Don't try to "handle it" yourself. You can use our hotline number if you don't have a contact you can call. We will do our best to help you through this. We're all in this together and your phone call is as important to our sobriety as it is to yours.
The next district meeting is on Friday, May 2, 2025at 6:00 PM. Hosted by the Serenity Buddies Gp, at First United Methodist Church, 1500 N. Water St., Owosso See March minutes for possible agenda items. We hope your group will be represented. This meeting is open to all members of the Fellowship and we need your guidance and input going forward.
"This we owe to AA.’s future: to place our common welfare first; to keep our fellowship united. For on AA Unity depends our lives, and the lives of those to come."
LAST UPDATE This site was last updated MAR 13, 2025 If you believe you aren't seeing the most recent update, reload page.
Online zoom meetings in the District Click HERE for schedule
AA Meeting Guide app
Our districts meetings are now published on the AA Meeting Guide app. Follow this link to download to your Apple and Android devices link here
Safety in AA A.A. meetings should be a welcoming, safe place for our members old and new, right? Of course and we all know that. From time to time we need to be reminded and an exellent document is available from A.A. Read it here
NEW MEETING A new women's group, Serenity Sisters in Owosso
kicks off on Monday, March 24 at 6:00 PM at Christ Episcopal Church, 120 Goodhue St
Change of meeting location The 7:00 PM Friday meeting of the Serenity Buddies in Owosso has changed location to the First Uniuted Methodist Church at 1500 N Water St. Still Fridays at 7 PM. Use the entrance at the back. Meeting in classroom A.
The Preamble a short history Where did the Preamble come from? How has it changed? Read this interesting article from the AA GSO Short history of our Preamble
ShiaCoaa (area 32 district 10) was formed in August, 2002 in response to a need for communication and cooperation
between the groups in District 10. ShiaCoaa is a service body within the General Service Conference structure of Alcoholics Anonymous and is listed in the appropriate directories published by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.® We are a service area within Area 32, Central Michigan Intra Area (CMIA). District 10 as a geographic area is roughly defined as the groups within Shiawassee County, Michigan with Owosso at the center. Our only goal is to help the groups in our District fulfill their primary purpose of helping other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
We endeavor to take on those tasks that should not fall upon a single group; compiling and printing updated meeting
directories, maintaining an answering service hotline for the District, contacting media outlets in the District with
the AA message of recovery, maintaining our own District website and supporting on-line meetings hosted by groups and individual members in our District. We act as a forum for your group to have it's voice heard in matters affecting AA, as a direct link to the General Service Conference Structure through the election of District Committee Members (DCM) and to provide service opportunities for AA members in the District.
We hold our District meetings on a bi-monthly basis during the first week of each odd numbered month on a rotating basis throughout the District. Each group represented at our District meetings has a vote in matters presented and in the election of District officers and DCM. This district service body is solely funded by the membership of Alcoholics Anonymous through group contributions to ShiaCoaa. We accept no donations from outside entities or individuals. For options on donating to ShiaCoaa click HERE. Please plan on attending our next District meeting.
(copy & paste address in " to: " if clicking address dosen't open your e-mail program)
In keeping with our Traditions regarding anonymity we will not publish full names, personal phone numbers, home addresses or e-mail addresses on this site.
Dignitaries Sympathy (unknown)
United Methodist Church 12821 Warner Rd 7:00 - 8:30 PM closed/men
Big Book Study Gp. (649323)
United Methodist Church 1014 Oak St 7:30 PM closed
Stepping Together Gp. (673296)
The Z Hall 1775 Owosso Ave 10:00 AM closed
Serenity Fellowship Gp. (462845)
Christ Episcopal Church 120 Goodhue St 7:00 PM closed
Monday Big Book (107285)
Alano Club 7200 Friegel Rd 7:30 PM closed
Thursday Night Gp. (107192)
Congregational Church 403 N Saginaw St 7:00 PM closed NO gathering outside
Elsie AA Gp (103229)
United Methodist Church 160 W Main St 7:00 PM closed
Fri Morn Gp (not registered)
Salem Lutheran Church 330 N Washington St 11:00 AM closed
Serenity Buddies Gp (not yet registered)
First United Methodist Church 1500 N Water St 7:00PM closed
Monday Big Book (107285)
Alano Club 7200 Freigle Rd 7:30 PM closed
House of Serenity (673295)
United Methodist Church 200 W MacArthur St 7:00 PM Big Book study closed
For 24 Hours Gp 294334
St. John United Church of Christ 429 N Washington St 10:30 AM closed
Sat Nite Fellowship Gp (642938)
Christ Episcopal Church 120 E Goodhue St 7:30 PM open/speaker 1st Saturday each month Potluck at 6:30 PM Passing dish requested.
Monday Big Book (107285)
Alano Club 7200 Freigle Rd 8:00 AM closed
Saturday Gp (not registered)
Church of the Nazarene 9725 E Monroe St 6:00 PM closed